Where’s the big spool of black duct tape when you need it?
I grabbed my sunglasses instead — and closed my eyes — and wrapped my shirt around my head. Still, it wasn’t enough. I hate it when she comes downstairs naked to have these talks. She knows I hate it, too — but she forgets. Living in the moment I guess.
“Whoops — sorry I didn’t warn you. I’ll try to turn myself down.” She can’t really do that, but it’s nice she tries. The glare makes me unable to talk until I scramble under my desk. Relief.
“What do you want me to make now?” When you have a muse 13 times brighter than an equivalent-sized LED, you get to the point quick.
“It’s really cool! I’m so excited. It’s a riddle! I just thought of it just now.” I don’t know why she added this last part. It’s always true. It’s the only reason she comes down here in the first place.
“What kind of riddle?”
“The kind that may never be sorted out. A stumper. Wrapped in a being.”
“What kind of being?”
“A Human one — they’ll be like you, but on Earth. Less sensitive to light, more sensitive to emotions.”
“Gotcha. I’m getting a sense of this Earth Human now. Are they just gonna eat Rocks or what? Trees maybe? Backing up — what’s the riddle part?”